This article will walk you through setting up the CivicPlus Pay Tray Application for use with an credit card reader. This will allow you to take card-present transactions through the payment terminal.
- Download the latest Pay Tray Application. You will need version or newer. Versions prior to 2.0.1 will not work.
- Follow the Pay Tray Application Installation Instructions.
- If you are having difficulty, see the troubleshooting guide.
- The first time you run the tray app, you must "Run as Administrator". Skipping this step will cause your transactions to fail.
- When the tray application is running, you should receive a notification that the Pay Command listener has started
- Open your Windows System tray and right-click on the Pay Tray icon
- Select Settings
- The Configuration menu should appear, expand the EMV panel
- In the AuthorizeNetConnectionMode put USB or Bluetooth. Pick the option that you plan to use to connect your device.
- In the AuthorizeNetPaymentDeviceID, put the name of the terminal that you would like to use
Note: This will be something that you can make up but should be descriptive enough to identify the computer and device that you are using. In this example, we have put “GolfCourse”. Additionally, these settings are scoped per user. Each user will need to set their device ID before their first use of the tray app. - You are ready to run a test transaction
Mobile Device Management
After the first use, you should be able to see your device listed in’s Mobile Device Management.
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