You can elect to save a card while checking out with EMV or you can add a card-on-file outside of a transaction. This article will cover what it looks like both inside and outside of a transaction for EMV. For eCommerce, please see the following article: Saved Payment Methods.
Saving a Card Inside a Transaction
CivicPlus Pay must be instructed before starting the transaction to save the card. Behind the scenes, Global Payments Integrated will tokenize the card, sending the token back to Pay. The prompt to follow the pin pad will look the same, regardless if you are saving the card or not.
- On the PIN pad, the user will see the following. Note that the dollar amount is present when saving a card inside a transaction.
- Once checkout is complete, you will be asked to remove your card.
Saving a Card Outside a Transaction
Saving a card outside of a transaction involves storing a card but not charging it. This can be used to put a card on file to be used in the future (memberships and payment plans).
- When CivicPlus Pay is instructed to save a card outside a transaction with EMV, the screen will be purple and RCM (Remote Control Manager) will wake up.
- The PIN pad will wake up and show an amount of $0. The user should insert their card. You may also be asked for a PIN or signature depending on the card verification method.
- After the card has been read, RCM will ask the staff member to verify the card.
- Once card information has been captured, you will be instructed to remove your card.
Common Issues and Troubleshooting
1007: Unknown Internal Error
If using EMV and trying to save a card outside a transaction, a common cause is not having an EMV terminal plugged in.
- Ensure that your card reader is operational
- Ensure the card reader is plugged into the computer
- Ensure that the USB cable is working
- You may need to load settings or forms to the device
- You may need to test the connection using Remote Control Manager (RCM)
- Try again
Purple Screen
If you see a purple screen and nothing on it then you are trying to save a card on file outside of the transaction with EMV and you do not have RCM running.
- Start RCM (you may want to try running it as an administrator).
- Plug in your EMV device
- You may need to load settings or forms to the device
- You may need to test the connection using RCM
- Try again
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