This process is necessary for CivicPlus Pay to be allowed to communicate with the Payflow gateway.
Payflow is Paypal’s payment gateway that is utilized by Paypal Payments Pro. To learn more about this, please read Paypal’s documentation on Paypal Payments Pro and Payflow.
Important Notes
- Please be aware, you must already have access to PayPal Manager in order to use this guide.
- Only business accounts can “go live” with PayPal. Using the wrong type of account will keep you from processing payments. For more information, please see Paypal’s documentation.
This article is for informational purposes only. We cannot make any guarantee to the accuracy of these specific steps below as PayPal may make modifications to what things are called or where they are placed. The outline below should be substantially like what you should see on the PayPal site.
Customer Responsibilities
You (the customer) are responsible for configuring the Hosted Checkout Page and providing the right partner, vendor, username, and password to CivicPlus. If you do not do these items, your users will not be able to complete a transaction. Additionally, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are following the right measures to protect against fraud, disputes, chargebacks, and any other types of errors that result in monetary loss.
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Send Credentials to CivicPlus
- Please provide the following credentials to CivicPlus. These are the credentials that you use to log in to PayPal Manager
- Partner: Enter the partner information
- Merchant Login: Add the merchant login
- User (Optional): If desired, enter the user
- Password: Type your password
- CivicPlus will provide you a link to use in your Hosted Pages settings. You will need this link in order to complete this guide. The link will look similar to:
Configure Hosted Pages
- Navigate to PayPal Manager and log in
- Click on Service Settings
- Click on Set Up
- In the Choose your settings section, select Live under Transaction Process Mode
- In the Display options on payment page section, enter the following information
- Enter Text for Cancel URL: Cancel
- Enter Cancel URL: Paste the link you received from the prerequisite step
- Enter Error URL: Paste the link you received from the prerequisite step
- Cancel URL Method: POST
- Enter Button Text: Pay Now
- In the Billing Information section, check the following checkboxes:
- Required:
- Name
- Address
- City/Suburb
- State/Province
- Zip code/Postal Code
- Email address
- Editable:
- Name
- Address
- City/Suburb
- State/Province
- Zip code/Postal Code
- Phone
- Email address
- Required:
- You do not need to check anything in the Shipping Information section
- In the Payment Confirmation section, enter the following information:
- Show confirmation page: On my website
- Enter Return URL: Paste the link you received from the prerequisite step
- Return URL Method: POST
In the Security Options be sure to Enable Secure Token
- Click Save Changes
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