CivicPlus Notifications has a Suppression List for phone numbers and emails. Typically, users will be added to this list when they have reported message(s) as Spam, but this can happen for other reasons such as an error message being returned or invalid recipient information.
When users are added to the email suppression list, they are now removed from any subscription lists they may have previously subscribed to for that Organization. We also indicate that the phone numbers have “unsubscribed” on our callback webhook, so these users should be automatically unsubscribed from CivicEngage Central subscription lists.
Administrative users now have the ability to see users that have been added to the Notifications service suppression list from the Subscribers screen.
- Sign in to your organization's Notifications site ([orgname]/admin)
- Navigate to the Subscribers tab
- View the Suppressed column to see the communication channels that have been suppressed for a subscriber
- Envelope Icon: Email notifications are suppressed for the user
- Phone Icon: SMS notifications are suppressed for the user
- Stack Icon: Both SMS and Email notifications are suppressed
- To view the suppression date, select the subscriber
- View the Suppression Date
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