The following list of modules is integrated from your CivicEngage Central website to the CivicPlus mobile app. Some details and the basic functionality or experience within each have been provided.
- Agenda Center
- Search by category, keyword, or timeframe
- Intuitive access to attached assets, audio, and video files
- Alert Center
- Push notifications
- Number of alerts shown on home screen tile
- Alerts are shown by date
- Filter by category
- Share alerts through social media, email, and more, using your phone's native capabilities
- Calendar
- Events are listed in a great mobile design with a scrollable card list
- Featured events are in extra-large cards
- Filter by category
- Monthly calendar view
- Interactive maps within events details
- Click for directions, phone numbers, email, and more
- Save events to your calendar
- Share events through social media, email, and more, using your phone's native capabilities
- FAQs
- Search by category, keyword, or phrase
- Search results are returned in an easy-to-read card list that expands to view details
- Form Center
- Filter by category
- Search by keyword
- Fill in and submit forms electronically
- Jobs
- Jobs displayed by listing date
- Featured jobs are highlighted
- Filter by status and/or category
- Read full descriptions and see photos
- Download associated documents
- Link to an online form for users to apply
- Share job details through social media, email, and more, using your phone's native capabilities
- News Flash
- Scrollable news feed in card view with images
- Swipe left or right to navigate categories
- Filter by one or multiple categories
- Share through social media, email, and more, using your phone's native capabilities
- Notifications
- Users configure the push notifications they wish to receive
- Category lists mirror those of the website
- A counter shows the number of topics subscribed to in each category
- Simple on/off toggle
- Resource Directory
- Search by keyword
- Filter by category
- Details of resources may include website, phone, email, and directions with an interactive map
- Save details to your contacts
- Share through social media, email, and more, using your phone's native capabilities
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